Thursday 6 December 2012

NUS GE3201 The Service Economy (Module Review)

GE3201 The Service Economy is taught by Dr Karen Lai this sem. I took her Economy and Space module the semester before and really liked it, so I was quite looking forward to attending another module taught by her.

Dr Lai's lessons are really interesting because she uses a lot of real life examples that you can actually relate to. In fact, I would say that it is my most enjoyable module I took this sem. Her tutorials are interactive but not intimidating. And she has a really nice accent.

The assessment is broken down into 10% class participation, 35% group project (3 people per group), an individual film review for 15%, and finally an open book finals at 40%.

The previous batch watched Slumdog Millionaire for their film review, while for us this sem, we did The Pursuit of Happyness. She listed out several topics that we can explore, which was quite helpful in formulating the essay. The film review was marked by the TA though.

The group project was to compare two business organisations in the service industry, so for example, you can compare ZUJI.COM with CHAN BROTHERS. 

This will definitely be one of the modules that I recommend if you're inclined towards human geog.

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